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mercredi, 07 mars 2018

PATRICK WATSON - Je te laisserai des mots

TV GIRL - Taking what's not yours

J'aurai plus le bagage de 13 ans sur le dos mais je garde le chat et ça vous savez, c'est l'or de la citadine.


Adieu les vacances avec les gamins des autres et vive demain ! 


let's sing !

(Leave it, leave it take it, Was that yours? Take it was that yours take it was that yours?) x4

I don't really know if she cares or not
All I know's she left a lot
Of stuff in my apartment
And she's never gettin' it back
'Cause her smell on the pillow fades
Her cigarettes last late
Like a Roman coliseum
A drying, worthless monument to our love

Ooh I still have your lighter
Ooh I still have your book
Ooh I still have everything you brought but you never took
And you know where to find me
And I know where to look
(I'm not a crook)

(Leave it, leave it take it, Was that yours? Take it was that yours take it was that yours? x3
Leave it, leave it take it, Was that yours? Take it was that yours take it was that)

I don't really know if she knows or not
But I left some things in her jewelry box
And she's wearin' out my rings
Takin' the compliments meant for me
And I know I'll think I'll miss them
Least there's proof of my existence
Captive little soldier on her fingers
Deep behind enemy lines

Ooh I still have your lighter
Ooh I still have your book
Ooh I still have everything you brought but you never took
And you know where to find me
And I know where to look
(I'm not a crook)

(Leave it, leave it take it, Was that yours? Take it was that yours take it was that yours?) x4

A copy of Gravity's Rainbow that she prob'ly didn't read
And how about my Lauren Mira records she prob'ly threw away when she moved
And how 'bout the half of box of lentils from when I cooked her food
That she prob'ly didn't use

I wanna' dedicate this jam
To all those things I left behind in girls' apartments and various domiciles over the years
Sometimes you gotta' leave in a hurry man, what can I say?
Except I didn't forget about any of it... I'm takin' it all back.

(Leave it, leave it take it, Was that yours? Take it was that yours take it was that yours?) x4

TV GIRL - Lovers rock

AL BOWLLY / RAY NOBLE - Looking on the bright side of life

I'm looking on the bright side Though I'm walking in the shade Sticking out my chest, hoping for the best Looking on the bright side of life I'm waiting for the right tide And if luck comes to my aid Giving me a break, I shall be awake Looking on the bright side of life Today I'm in the shadow Tomorrow maybe The clouds will lift And let the sun shift over to me I'm looking on the bright side Though today's all care and strife I can wear a grin, sticking out my chin Looking on the bright side of life


PS : Merci pour la soirée Al Bowlly mon Pedro ;-)

mardi, 27 février 2018




lundi, 26 février 2018

WOLF ALICE - Don't delete the kisses

I see the signs of a lifetime, you 'til I die
And I'm swiftly out, Irish goodbye
What if it's not meant for me? love
What if it's not meant for me? love
I'd like to get to know you
I'd like to take you out
We'd go to The Hell Mary
And afterwards make out instead I'm typing you a message
That I know I'll never send
Rewriting old excuses
Delete the kisses at the end
When I see you, the whole world reduces
To just that room
And then I remember and I'm shy that gossip's eye will look too soon
And then I'm trapped, overthinking
And yeah, probably self-doubt
You tell me to get over it and to take you out
But I can't, I'm too scared
And there's the night-bus, I have to go
And the doors are closing and you were waving
And I like you, and I'll never let it show
And you won't wait and maybe I won't mind
I work better on my own
And now I'm, well, a bit drunk
And I ask myself
What if it's not meant for me? love
What if it's not meant for me? love
A few days pass since I last saw you
And you have taken over my mind
I'm re-telling jokes you made that made me laugh
Pretending that they're mine
I wanna tell the whole world about you
I think that that's a sign
I'm losing self control and it's you
It really is, one thousand times
I look at your picture and I smile
How awful's that? I'm like a teenage girl
I might as well write all over my notebook
That you 'rock my world!'
But you do, you really do
You've turned me upside down
And that's okay, I'll let it happen
'Cause I like having you around
I'm electric, a romantic cliché
And they really are all true
And we catch eyes in a stupid party
I know exactly what to do
I'll take your hand, and we will leave
French exit for me and you
You know I'm home, a little bit drunk
Some things don't change and I know now
Me and you were meant to be in love
Me and you were meant to be in love
Me and you
I see the signs of a lifetime, you 'til I die

lundi, 29 janvier 2018



C'est bien ça pour mon cerveau dans le métro, c'est parfait. Demain pas une seule fois je n'aurai le sourcil froncé (sur la ligne 9 la beauté froide ou la fille brouillon vers 9H30 c'est moi ;p), mon livre ou ce titre.

Je découvre le mec, j'aime bien, ça me rappelle le son que j'aimais bien vers 2006-08, et ça me fait du bien, parfait. Ça ajouté aux supers bonnes prises dimanche dernier aux soldes aux Galeries, ça y est je suis partie : régime jour 1 ready to be bonnasse et kiffable de nouveau pour mon mec :) et moi ! surtout moi !



PS : Le Bon Marché 0 sur les soldes bizarrement cette année j'ai trouvé mon bonheur aux Galeries, allez-y le dimanche, on est entouré de touristes, on pousse les chinois (parce qu'ils nous poussent attendez les cocos ici c'est chez nous merde) et je vous jure on a des belles soldes cette fois go girls !

vendredi, 26 janvier 2018


A closeup on eternity
A sad pitcher in the minor leagues
Look out the window
Do you see me?

Liquor store, slippery floor
I saw my reflection in a bottle of wine
Like a neon sign
Liquor in my name
Like a drunken call to an old flame

I'm broken down, I'm all lit up
Drinking green chartreuse from a plastic cup
Another year's gone by
Hell, I'm still alive

I got a couple of texts from my mom
One said "Happy birthday"
And the other one was a smiley face, a sideways heart, xoxo
"We miss you won't you come on home?"

Won't you come on home
Won't you come on home
Won't you come on home

I see you
I see you
Oh, I see you
Do you see me?

Oh, you're one year older
Do you feel any different
It's hard to tell

Is it love or is it just this crazy time we live in?
It's hard to tell

Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, well that's on me

I'm trying, I'm trying to be
Everything that I can be
But I don't have the energy

Am I waiting for a sign
Or have I lost my mind?
It's hard to tell

Well I was staring at the setting sun
And I realized my time had run on out
And I was relieved
I was relieved and I was relieved

I was relieved and I was relieved
I was relieved, I was relieved, oh I was relieved

Since you moved away nothing's been right
And I don't believe in second comings but maybe "us" never died
Your likeness drifting cross the silver moon
Passing through sometimes but you'll be gone soon
But I don't mind living with the good kind of wrong
Like it's been evening all day long

The universe it speaks in little jokes
My new therapist lives down the street from your folks
It's like living next door to my old life
And we don't talk much, just smile, say "hi"
But I'm still yours even though you're long gone
And it's been evening all day long

Oh and sadness it can leap out from anywhere
There's really really really no way you could be prepared
I'm still drinking from your cup I'm still smoking your bowl
Dreaming of a life where we get old
But it's all right
I'm used to being wrong
And it's been evening all day long

All day long
All day long
All day long

Il y a des personnes fanas d'indie dans mes abonnements Youtube, et je les remercie de faire que mon vendredi commence bien - parce qu'après la nana agressée sur ma ligne 9 (agents RATP et police pour arrêter ces saletés qui ont fait crier cette nana à la mort - tout le monde a flippé en l'entendant c'était terrible), alors merci à ces détectives de la zic cool et locale car grâce à eux je me sens bien ce soir. Je crois que je vais dormir tout le week-end avec une parenthèses pour acheter quelques vinyles à mon rendez-vous trimestriel des amoureux du disque.

bisous et bon-week-end !


vendredi, 19 janvier 2018

L'amour avec toi - VENDREDI SUR MER

vendredi sur mer,french music,french pop,music lover,music lovers,envie de passion ta mère

Nan Goldin


vendredi sur mer,french music,french pop,music lover,music lovers,envie de passion ta mère

vendredi sur mer,french music,french pop,music lover,music lovers,envie de passion ta mère




Le couple, cette incertitude. 


lundi, 11 décembre 2017

VENDREDI SUR MER - Les filles désir